The next review will focus on the Nike SB PRod 6. Expect the in-depth article in about a week. Until then, check our facebook-page for updates on the exact release date and a cross-section picture off the 6th Paul Rodriguez signature model.
Last week, the 15th Bright trade show in Berlin, Germany took place. As always a great chance to have a glimse in the future of skateboard products for 2013. Enjoy a few – sometimes shaky and out of focus, sorry – pictures of the skate shoe highlights. adidas adidas has big plans for 2013. They…
As the followers of our facebook page already know, we went to the biggest European skateboard trade show, the Bright, last week. Needless to say that it was very interesting. Thanks again to all the guys of the different brands. Bellow you find a small selection of products that will release in 2012 and that…
With the recent update of the original Omar Salazar pro model, we decided to update the existing review as well. The main idea was to highlight the differences and the improvements in this checkout; it`s not a full size review. Thanks to the Nike SB Europe guys Bjorn and Agra for the test samples. Check…
Next week we’ll publish a check out of the new Salazar LR, an update to the existing review so to speak. Also, check out our facebook page for more information and making-of pictures.
I recently had the chance to skate and review maybe one of the most anticipated new models of 2011, the Nike SB Koston 1. Here it is, the Koston 1 review. Thanks to Agra at Nike SB for sending me test samples. High Quality PDF file: Nike SB Koston 1 review
The Nike SB Koston 1 review will be published this Wednesday, 15th of June. Nike SB Koston 1 review teaser from weartested skate on Vimeo.
I handed in the text for the Nike SB Koston 1 review this week. Expect the translated version in mid June. Here’s a picture of the Kostons after 11 hours of skating.
After I finished the 5-hour review about the Nike SB Zoom FPs, I had to switch shoes right away because of other projects, but obviously the FPs wheren’t even close to being worn out at all. So I decided to give them to a friend of mine who skates the most out of all skaters…
As already announced in my last post about the Amsterdam weartest, I was working on a small review about Nike SB FP . It turned out to be a bit longer than the average “One day with…” review, but due to the many features I decided that the FP deserves it. Thanks again to Kaspar,…
During the last month I was fortunate to skate a pair of Nike SBs newest model, the Zoom FP. The good guys at Nike SB Europe, Kaspar, Bjorn and Agra where able to get me a pair in my size a little bit earlier , thanks again! But to top it of I got invited…
Here it is, the extended English version of the Nike SB Salazar review. Thanks to Tim Weissberg for the correction, to Jürgen Blümlein ( for the Layout and to the Nike SB guys Kaspar, Bjorn and Agra for the test samples and for inviting me to the weartest event! High Quality PDF file: MFS_SHOE_REVIEW_NIKE_SB_SALAZAR_ENG_WEB