Next week we’ll publish a check out of the new Salazar LR, an update to the existing review so to speak. Also, check out our facebook page for more information and making-of pictures.
Go to your local skate shop and pick up a copy of the Februay issue of Transworld Skateboarding. It features the Lakai Linden review on page 44. We hope you like the new “10 hours of skating” format and the rating system Feel free to comment here or on our facebook-page and share your thoughts.
A new model for 2012, the Lakai “Linden”. The full review will be published at the beginning of the new year.
Just one month on the market and already reviewed, the Habitat Garcia. Thanks to Jaime Fernandez at Habitat for the early samples. To get more background information and small updates, befriend weartested on facebook! High Quality PDF: REVIEW_HABITAT_GARCIA
The second project for my new employer after the Lakai Linden (I can’t show a picture of those yet) will be the Emerica Hsu 2 low, a new model for 2012. Expect the review at newsstands all over the world and on the internet in January…
As some of you might remember, a few months ago you, the reader, had the possibility to decide which shoe will be reviewed next. You where able to pick your favorite on the Place Magazine facebook page. The Habitat Garcia won with almost 50% of the votes and in a few days, you’ll be able…
Many have been waiting for the English Ronan review, here it is. High Quality PDF file: adidas Ronan review
Expect an indepth review about the adidas Ronan to be published next monday.
After more than 20 shoe reviews in a row, it was time to switch it up for once and write about something else. Have a look outside the box if you will. Bellow you’ll find a review about the Stance “Gripper Cush” sock, definitely a product that one should have a closer look at. High…
To mix it up a little and for once review something else than shoes, I decided to have a closer lock at Stance Socks. Expect a small review next monday which will mark the start of many good things to come. returns after a summer break with a new look and some exciting new projects and reviews that will be posted soon, stay tuned.
I recently had the chance to skate and review maybe one of the most anticipated new models of 2011, the Nike SB Koston 1. Here it is, the Koston 1 review. Thanks to Agra at Nike SB for sending me test samples. High Quality PDF file: Nike SB Koston 1 review